Spicy Potatoes & Omelette

October 28, 2013

I impressed myself this morning by waking up early enough to make breakfast in less than 30 minutes, take a picture of it, write a blog post, and post it on Facebook – all before 9:00am! But seriously, this is one of the easiest savory breakfasts to make. I try my best to keep breakfast under 30 minutes, if I can. Let’s be honest—who has more time than that to dedicate to the cooking of breakfast during the week? Another 30-minute breakfast I made recently were these Apple Pancakes. Delicious!

Here’s how you can make these tasty potatoes and omelette in a flash!


6 medium potatoes, cut into bite-size pieces (I used new potatoes with the thin yellow skin and did not peel them.)
1 medium onion, quartered (I used red onions)
1 green bell pepper, cut into bite-size pieces
1 red bell pepper, cut into bite-size pieces
Salt to taste
Cayenne pepper to taste
Black pepper to taste
Eggs for your favorite kind of omelette.

(It can’t get much simpler than this!)


Heat a pan to medium-high heat and pour 2 tbsp of oil.

Toss the onions in and sauté for a minute to get the flavor going. Throw the potatoes in and coat them in the oil. Let them cook for two minutes.

Sprinkle the salt liberally on the onions and potatoes. Then add the desired amount of cayenne pepper. The potatoes will soak up a lot of salt while cooking. Stir occasionally until the potatoes start to brown on the edges.

Pour in a few tablespoons to 1/3 cup of water. Stir the onions and potatoes to release the brown bits on the bottom of the pan, cover the pan, and let it cook on low to medium heat for about 5 minutes.

While the potatoes are cooking,  beat 4 eggs together, add some salt and pepper, and set aside. Heat a non-stick pan, pour a tiny bit of oil to coat it, and pour half the beaten egg mixture into the pan. (I kept the omelette simple to save time.)

Take off the lid from the potatoes and stir again. This time, add the green and red bell peppers, and check the potatoes for salt. If needed, add a bit more.  Cover the pan again, after adding a bit of water to cook the potatoes. Cook for 1 or 2 more minutes. The potatoes are done.

Remove the first omelette from the pan, and pour in the second half of the egg mixture. This should take no more than 2 minutes to cook. The omelette is also done.

Serve hot and enjoy a delicious savory breakfast in 30 minutes!

Yolanda Taylor

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