River Farm

August 23, 2016
River Farm, home to the American Horticultural Society headquarters, and once owned by George Washington, was a beautiful sight to behold. Situated along the Potomac River, it boasts some incredible views and, of course, spectacular gardens, including this amazing Manor House. I had been wanting to explore this place for a while now (my never-ending bucket list), so Gracie and I headed out early in the morning to do just that. 

This is what happens when you see some painted support sticks – you try your hardest to pull them out, of course! Gracie kept trying to pull each and every stick she came across, so it took us a good twenty minutes just to get from our car and up the paved path.

I know Gracie will go straight to heaven because there is a stairway to get there, and stairways are Gracie’s all-time favorite thing. After another twenty minutes of watching Gracie climb up and down these brick stairs, I was ready to move on.

We had barely made it up the path, when we came across this cute little spot with a cute little shed for a cute little girl to try to open.

This is the cute little girl with a cute little pout when I told her she shouldn’t open the door to the cute little shed. It was not so cute after she heard that 🙂

 We, finally, made it through to these lush, green, manicured gardens. I know the British side of me is always thrilled when I am in the midst of beautiful gardens. Aaron, however, gets bored in 1.2 seconds.  Anyway, I LOVE visiting gardens and seeing the beautiful landscaping, the meticulous care of the plants and flowers, and cozy, little seating spots strewn all around.

In Gracie’s world, flowers are meant to be plucked and the evidence of the crime is happily submitted to Mama, who is the one who gets caught with the plucked flower in hand, when a garden worker appears.

River Farm even boasts a little children’s garden! Check out this cute little butterfly bench. Gracie did not want to have anything to do with this and chose to sit, instead, on the more practical picnic benches under the trees, so she could see all her fruit snacks at once and eat them all, at once.

 I don’t know about you but she looks too grown up in this picture!

A Gracie-sized house! She ran inside and immediately turned around and invited me to join her.

Caught mid-act of pulling up the weeds right at the foot of the window, she proceeded to give me a quirky smile and an i-love-you. She is becoming really good at getting out of being punished! Oy vey – what am I going to do?

This baby is mine. Her fun-loving spirit, spirited laugh, and endless energy makes exploring this world such a pleasure!

Gracie loves rocking chairs and will inevitably test every single one she can find.  But, just look at this lost-in-thought pose! Penny for your thoughts, little angel 🙂

Okay, a few more pictures of the gardens.

The Manor House entrance. So lovely! Transported in time and imagining the people of those days living, eating, and going for a leisurely walk on the grounds of this beautiful place!

As I flitted all around the house, taking pictures, Gracie found another rocking chair on the back porch, perched herself there with Clifford to keep her company, and was being transported to a different world, herself.

We spent a wonderful morning at River Farm and hope to return soon!

Yolanda Taylor

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