Darden’s Garden

June 28, 2013

Virginia country has the most beautiful scenery. We welcomed the sun this morning as we drove to Charlottesville via lush, green hills, and roads thickly lined with trees.  We saw horses looking into the rays of the sun as they warmed themselves, plump cows grazing in the meadows, and had a light, fresh breeze to accompany us. Nature outdoes herself in this part of the land!

We visited the University of Virginia’s business school—Darden—this morning. While Aaron chatted with professors, students, and deans, I wandered around on the Grounds, trying to imagine the time when Thomas Jefferson laid out the plans for this very school! It is a beautiful plan and the campus is studded with gardens everywhere. The one I walked through had little gardens with benches all along the sides of this gorgeous courtyard and ended at a statue of Thomas Jefferson. The Darden Business School is a a beautifully-appointed place.

Here are some of the photographs of my wanderings in its gardens.

Yolanda Taylor

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