National Geographic Museum – Spinosaurus & A Happy Birthday

March 11, 2015

What better way to celebrate one’s birthday than to visit the National Geographic Museum in Washington, DC! It was by accident that I ended up there, actually. I know, how does one do something like that by accident, right? Well, my sweet visiting teachers had decided to make it a fun trip to DC for the morning, and check out Ford’s Theater Museum and the Pedersen House where Abraham Lincoln had died. I have been to both but it had been a while, so I was excited to make it happen. Besides, Gracie had never been to these places before, so it was a first for her.  We drove around for what seemed like a lifetime to find a parking spot, and circled the block where the theater was only to see the growing line of patrons just to get into the place. So, of course, being the locals that we are, we ditched the idea, drove past the another museum instead (because we live in the coolest place on earth), and found a parking spot right in front of the National Geographic. Providence? Sure. 

It so happens that I have a friend who works for the National Geographic whom I had not seen in a long time. Aaron and I were good friends with him when we were in Alexandria. On the off chance that he might be working, I had the receptionist page him, and he was! Not only was he working, he was super excited to see me and loved meeting Gracie! Being the wonderful, kind person he is, he took us on a short tour of the place for free, and we got to see the big buzz of the museum – The Spinosaurus. The first picture in this post shows you a bit of what the scale of this creature is really like. Massive! 

PBS Kids has ruined me. Why is it that I am looking at this amazing prehistoric creature that was painstakingly recreated for the public to admire and the whole time I am thinking of The Dinosaur Train – a show on PBS Kids. Yikes! Gracie and I like to watch the show together – she enjoys the music and songs immensely, and comes waddling quite fast to plant herself in front of the TV to dance. It is the most adorable thing ever. Ok, I digress.

The Museum was under construction so the exhibits were limited to this one and a Photo Camp one they do every year. Someday, I would love to participate in one of those! So, my friend took us around these two exhibits, and then surprised me and my visiting teachers with lunch! That was so kind and generous of him and not necessary but he insisted and it would have been rude to decline. We enjoyed our time together with him as he shared stories of visiting his native country, Ethiopia, and its recent developments. The lunch was delish, Gracie was her usual exploratory self – just looking around, being quiet and observant, and didn’t mind being handed around to cuddle 🙂 

I love these two ladies who are just wonderful and it has been a fun journey getting to know them and spend time with them. They are both loving, fit, funny, talented, smart, and just all-round gems to have in my life forever! It was a fun birthday present and exactly how I would have liked to spend a morning in DC. 

Yolanda Taylor

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