Keith & Katie

March 26, 2015

Every so often, you come across someone with whom you make a connection so immediately that you know you will be friends for life. One such someone is Katie. A dear friend, an amazing midwife, and an incredible first-time mommy, herself! Yes, you read that right – midwife. My midwife. And my friend. She was my rock (besides Aaron) throughout my pregnancy and the day I went into labor. She stayed with me the whole time she was on her shift, and then stayed past her shift when Gracie was trying hard to come into this world but needed a bit of extra help, and we finally had to have a c-section to put an end to a long, 29-hour labor, and to welcome the most beautiful baby (yes, I am biased) into this world! 

Katie is wonderful! She and I bonded when I would go in to the practice for my OBGYN appointments throughout my pregnancy and when she walked into my hospital room that day, started to introduce herself, looked up and saw that it was me – we were both thrilled! I had always wanted her to deliver my baby and she had always wanted to be the one to do it. God knew I needed her there! 

We have stayed in touch since then, she had her baby as well, and we take time out of our crazy days to catch up on our lives and cuddle each others’ babies. I am always happier after having a visit with this glowing, beautiful both inside and out, genuine friend. After a break for the brutal winter we experienced, Katie and Keith stopped by for a visit yesterday and it was fantastic! To see her and her little handsome baby boy, and watch her tackle motherhood like a pro, and share our experiences with each other was great!  I look forward to many more fun visits and good times watching our little ones grow up together! 

Yolanda Taylor

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Hi! Welcome to our blog! Family, friends, photography, food, fun, travels, books - there is a little bit of everything here. It is the place where I record things that I know I would love to read and remember, and hopefully, you get to share a part of our lives with us. It may not be perfect but this is us. And, you are welcome any time! Read More



