Blacksburg, VA

April 1, 2015

No matter where I go, Virginia will always have a special place in my heart! It has the most beautiful countryside I have ever seen and each season punctuates its beauty in a significant way. Aaron and I had been itching for a road trip for quite some time—actually, since our last one to North Carolina & South Carolina in September 2014. It was time. We loaded up our new SUV (yay! we have a second car!) and hit the road.  For those who do not live on this side of the country, trust me when I say, we felt our burdens lifted a bit as we drove through the suburbs and they gave way to green, lush meadows and bucolic beauties. The fast pace in this part of the country can take a toll on one’s morale and once in a while (or as often as you can), one should escape into the far reaches of the open countryside and take some deep breaths of fresh air. The bonus for us was that we got to see our dear friends – The Kachers – who moved away last year and we rarely get to see them anymore!
 These littles are the best! Piper (on Aaron’s lap) loved circling Aaron and would not easily leave his side. Aaron was enjoying every minute of being away from the constant busy-ness of daily life, and took the girls out in the woods to explore (they found a graveyard), went for a long run in the fresh, clean air, slept in, and played with the girls. As it was a spontaneous trip, we ended up in Blacksburg on a Sunday night, and Ben had to go to work. This meant that Aaron got to spend his time with 6 girls! Bonnie, Paije, Piper, Chloe, Yolanda & Gracie. He was a rock star!

While we were there, Bonnie took us to the Heritage Farms – a preserved, untouched ancient farm with buildings in ruins, and wide open spaces for the kids to run around. It was beautiful and a photographer’s dream.  If I were a talented photographer, you would get stunning images to look at and admire, but, since I am not, this is all you get 😀

Bonnie & Chloe.

Here is Aaron with his troupe of girls. He was awesome!

This collage contains a rare picture of Paije actually looking at the camera! I love this family and was so glad we got to spend a few days with them. Thank you, Kachers, for taking us in on our spontaneous trip and hosting us! We love and miss you!

Yolanda Taylor

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Hi! Welcome to our blog! Family, friends, photography, food, fun, travels, books - there is a little bit of everything here. It is the place where I record things that I know I would love to read and remember, and hopefully, you get to share a part of our lives with us. It may not be perfect but this is us. And, you are welcome any time! Read More



