Family Playground Date

March 31, 2020

Today was the first sunny day in a while and we took advantage of it – while practicing social distancing, of course! The kids really need that outdoors time to let off steam and stretch and get all the wiggles out, and quite honestly, I enjoyed getting some sun on my face, and breathing in some fresh air. It makes a world of difference!

The kids made friends, as usual, and we had to remind them to stay a good distance apart. It was interesting to watch my almost-three year old ask an older kid what his name was and then, call him by name and ask him to come and play with them. She did this completely unprompted by me and it just reminded me of how social my kiddos are just on their own. It must be so difficult for them to understand the concept of not being able to play together with other kids or to make friends when their whole lives have revolved around these things!

Aaron is such a wonderful father and kept them quite entertained. Grace is really into playing tag and it was so fun to spend that time with her, and listening to her tinkling laughter and the sun shining in her gorgeous eyes, and her happiness is just being with us. I didn’t get a chance to take her picture during this – we were having too much fun 🙂 The ones I did manage to take were of this little ball of energy. Audrey is incredible! She always gives me uninhibited smiles when she is in a good mood and I take full advantage of it when I can.

This little handsome guy LOVED being outside and practiced his walking skills for a while. He is a chunky bundle of joy and brings laughter and happiness to our family. It was a lovely to do nothing but soak in some sun, the laughter of our children, and the pure joy of being together as a family. Our hearts are filled with gratitude at this time for the simple yet profound blessings.

Yolanda Taylor

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Hi! Welcome to our blog! Family, friends, photography, food, fun, travels, books - there is a little bit of everything here. It is the place where I record things that I know I would love to read and remember, and hopefully, you get to share a part of our lives with us. It may not be perfect but this is us. And, you are welcome any time! Read More



