Changes –

May 27, 2010

Change is the one constant in our lives, and whether we like it or not, it happens. I, generally tend to create the change I like to see in my life rather than being pulled by its inevitable forces, or being dragged through change, kicking and screaming all the while.  Now I am not an expert at being able to create every single change in my life right when I want it, but I certainly try – just like most of us do.

If we know that change is inevitable, then how do we usually respond to it? Interestingly, I have learned that we respond most of the time, in one of three ways – Pain, Pull or Push. I found a great article that talks about this really well.

The thought of change has been floating around in my head all day – I am surrounded by it these days. In my world, I am about to experience a slew of changes – moving to a new place as a married couple, taking a month off this summer to travel, living life on one income for a few months, taking on new responsibilities at work, etc. Each of them deserve their own allotted time but of course, life is never that organized and they all pile up on you at the same time, in a big jumbled jigsaw puzzle heap, and you have to start by grouping all the same colored pieces together, only to find that color appears in more than one place in the puzzle. So you have to start all over again.

Some people tend to be excited about change, while others tend to ignore it, to the utter frustration of another who can’t stand ignoring something that one needs to obviously change. Some people tend to approach it very cautiously while others tend to rush in headlong without thinking of any consequences, whatsoever. Some tend to go numb and refuse to accept it while others bathe in the change, reveling in its redemptive powers.

I am trying to take it all in at the moment, and have to admit, feel a bit of everything – exhilaration, excitement, a bit nervous, but mostly glad that life is not stagnant. That life allows change and change allows growth and growth allows possibilities and possibilities lead to change.

What do you think of change?

Yolanda Taylor

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