Heaven on Earth – Mount Diablo State Park

May 27, 2010

A stone’s throw away from where I live ( okay, I would have to have a phenomenal pitching arm to throw a stone at Mount Diablo from where I live, about 10 minutes away, resides this impressive mountain, with an equally impressive State Park right at the center of it.

An interesting thing to note: Mount Diablo is considered sacred to many Native America tribes, who, according to the Ohlone and Miwok mythology, believe it to be the point of creation. If all else fails to impress during a dinner conversation, I could always throw in this juicy tidbit to stir up some excitement!

Bearing a very daunting name like “The Mount of the Devil”, it is quite the opposite. It is also considered sacred to both Aaron and I as it was the site of our very first date. I, of course, having just landed in America two days ago, after being gone for nearly a year to India, had conveniently forgotten how to hike, thus ended up being fully winded after .5 miles into the hike. He still married me two years later and I am glad that my hiking abilities were not taken into consideration. Speaking of hikes, does this even remotely look like the Devil’s Mount to any of you?

 Mount Diablo looks to me what I had always imagined the Garden of Eden to be – lush, green hills, rolling together for miles on end, tall, stately trees, short, stout bushes, beautiful and brilliant wildflowers that dot the landscape. A dazzling array of green, where all forms of plant life, compete in their best shades of color, making the viewer gasp at its first sight.  This heady mixture of heady woodland, savannah and open grasslands leaves one utterly breathless.

When I die, I would want to wake up here in the afterlife, my eyes just soaking in the beauty of this heavenly place, listening to the happy wind rustling through the trees, while the sun kissed the tops of everything green, and the trees glistened in the light. The sky provides a perfect backdrop against this canvas awash in spotless green. I breathe in.

You are all welcome to visit me and this lovely slice of heaven that I am so blessed to have, right here in my world.

Yolanda Taylor

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