Union Station Holiday Train Display

January 2, 2013

Each holiday season, the folks in DC and surrounding areas look forward to the city being filled with festivities and entertainment for the whole family. One has to meticulously plan out their calendar in order to attend as many events as they can and take advantage of the free displays. I highly doubt that even with all the careful planning, one could see ALL there is to see in one month! 

One such highlight of the holidays is the Holiday Train Display at Union Station in DC. I had wanted to go to this for the last two years and never made it. This year, although I didn’t get it together to visit during Christmas time, Aaron and I walked over there yesterday evening, after traversing the Natural History Museum. Check out my earlier blog posts about those adventures, here, here and here
Every year, Union Station is decked out in lights and trees and decorations. The two major things that happen there are the Christmas Tree lighting and the Holiday Train Display. This year, however, due to  damage caused by the earthquake in 2011, Union Station is undergoing renovations, so their displays were dismal and the huge Christmas Tree was outside the station instead of in the middle of the station inside.  Nevertheless, we were there and I was still thrilled to see the one display they had. 
It was a tribute to Norway and they had a Norwegian engineer come out to help make sure the display was accurate in its representation of Norwegian life and culture.  It was lovely and very detailed.
Here are some pictures to enjoy: 

Yolanda Taylor

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