Trunk or Treat 2018

October 28, 2018

Catching up on life at the Taylor Home would be an almost impossible task, so I am going to settle for updating as much as I can and adding some throwback posts as often as I can 🙂 The best place to start is today, and the best time to start is now! So here goes! 

Today was our ward Trunk-or-Treat activity. For the past five years, I had been been a part of the committee that actually put together these activities each year for a turnout of about 300 people, on average. It felt a bit surreal to not do a thing and just show up, but it was great to be able to enjoy the event as well. Great chili cook-off! Awesome car trunks decorated and displayed in the parking lot! The girls got to dress up in their Halloween costumes a few days early, and make the rounds outside to get some treats.

Grace looked adorable in her Minnie Mouse costume today <3 and Audrey was Snow White for the second year in a row (she wasn’t too concerned about that fact), and just as adorable. Grace seemed so grown up at times, and at others, she was shy and hesitant to ask for candy. That is, until, she remembered how she did it last year and then told me that I could just wait where I was and that she was a big girl and get her own candy 😀 Audrey, who was more cognizant of the process this year, as usual, displayed her tenacity and lack of fear in every possible way. She walked up to a friend, who unsuspectingly knelt down with her whole big bowl of candy to offer a piece to this tiny almost 1.5 year old, only to find said toddler grabbing the ENTIRE bowl out of her hands and attempting to run off with the loot. My friend had completely underestimated the focus and strength of this tiny tornado! She loved getting a couple of pieces of candy, figured out how to unwrap and lollipop, and enjoyed sucking on it for rest of the car drive home.

Truth be told, I have never been a fan of this particular holiday but Aaron asks me every year to get our whole family dressed up in costumes and I fail miserably 🙂 I decided that next year I will, at least, make an attempt and plan and prepare to get dressed up. For now, having the girls in costumes was perfect for me. Just seeing the joy on their little faces is enough for me to enjoy the holiday.

Yolanda Taylor

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Hi! Welcome to our blog! Family, friends, photography, food, fun, travels, books - there is a little bit of everything here. It is the place where I record things that I know I would love to read and remember, and hopefully, you get to share a part of our lives with us. It may not be perfect but this is us. And, you are welcome any time! Read More



