The New Man in my Life

March 27, 2019


The newest addition to our family as of December 2018. To say he is my joy is a gross understatement. His smile floods the tiniest, darkest crevices of my heart with brilliant light and gives me a vision of what I think God meant when he said eternal joy.

He is just a week over three months and is absolute angel of a baby. Happy and chatty, he can hold quite a conversation for a lengthy period of time without tiring. All that gurgling and those funny, cute faces he makes make it an engaging time and I don’t want it to stop. Except that I eventually have to put him down for his nap.

I love that he is a part of our family. He will be such a great brother when he is mobile and will follow his sisters around just yelping for joy! Grace and Audrey love him so much. Grace is his second momma who loves doling out instructions to me if she has to leave the room while I am still feeding him. It is the cutest thing to watch Audrey announce that she is going to “kiss baby” before she drools on his head with the gentlest kiss right after which she proceeds to almost poke his eyes out.

He is so tolerant and loving towards his over-loving sisters and both Aaron and I love this little babbling chunky boy. Relatively speaking. He is bigger and heavier than either of our girls ever were and shows no signs of slowing down. I think I have an idea of what they say about teen boys eating you out of house and home. 🙂

So grateful for this little boy! We are now a family of FIVE! Miracles never cease.

Yolanda Taylor

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Hi! Welcome to our blog! Family, friends, photography, food, fun, travels, books - there is a little bit of everything here. It is the place where I record things that I know I would love to read and remember, and hopefully, you get to share a part of our lives with us. It may not be perfect but this is us. And, you are welcome any time! Read More



