Summer Swim

June 29, 2022

Today, I had the task of taking all three kids to the local Rec Center for their swim lessons. They love swimming and they are not afraid of the water, but they all need practice on basic skills. Matthew is the youngest and has never had formal lessons, so this was a new experience for him. Watching them learn new things makes me so proud of them!

Audrey + Matthew in their respective swim classes.

Swimming is something that I never had the privilege to learn and this chance for my kids to learn this is a dream come true. They have taken lessons before just not had consistent practice. The hope is that this will help us get some consistency, and build some life-saving skills.

In the heat of the moment, I signed myself up for FOUR private one-on-one swim lessons with Coach Cindy, who trains the swim teams (yikes) and who was my teacher for two classes almost 2 years ago. She will push me and teach me the basics of what I need to know. I will find out tomorrow what I have really gotten myself into!

Yolanda Taylor

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