Single and Fabulous…

October 5, 2007

…this is the writing on one of my favorite t-shirts..and although it is a very catchy phrase…being single or fabulous or both is somewhat detrimental in the Indian society, especially when you are in the older single (closer to 30) category.

So recently in my search for a house, I learned that people will NOT RENT to single females, irrespective of how much they earn!!!! Single and Fabulous obviously has no impact on the landlords here…If I am not married, or if my parents do not accompany me, in which case, the presence of my father is more valued than my mother, they will hesitate to rent me a house and in some cases, flat out reject my offer.

The fact that I lived in the US and am still single is a mystery to most of them – there must be something wrong with me, that explains my single status.

The fact that I want to live alone despite the fact that my parents live in the same city is another mind-boggling mystery to them.

The fact that I might be earning more than my male counterparts in most areas and in fact more than they ever earned in their lifetime gives them a complex.

The fact that although I am single, I am about to move into a large 3-bedroom house alone with enough stuff to fill a 4-bedroom house is sacrilegious.

The fact that I am single and therefore when I go shopping for kitchen utensils, I am led to the smaller size of everything and strongly suggested by the shopkeepers that I don’t need that much for just one person. (little do they know!)

The fact that I am single and therefore a sinner if I have male friends who are also single or even worse, male friends who are married.

So will this deter me from being single and fabulous right now? Not one bit…

Yolanda Taylor

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