National Zoo w/ Daddy

January 25, 2017

That is the face of a very excited girl as we pull away from the house heading to the National Zoo. The sun shined through the cold, gloomy, January day and we were off like a pair of crazy rabbits with cabin fever. Gracie loves going to the Zoo! She likes to point out all the animals, make sounds, and search for the ones that are hiding 🙂 Here, she was looking for a tiger, and looking all grown up.

After almost falling into the panda exhibit, we stopped to watch the cute panda bears eat and take naps. Although we walked around for a bit (Brianne came with us, too), Gracie’s favorite animals were the panda and the elephants. We spent quite a bit of time talking to the elephant’s caretaker about the feeding and caring of elephants. Fascinating stuff!

But, of all the exciting things you can do at the zoo, Gracie’s absolute favorite thing was to be surprised by her Daddy! Aaron’s workplace is just down the street from the National Zoo, so I called him when we got there to see if he could pop in for a few. We were so lucky to get two whole hours with Daddy. Gracie was in heaven and that was worth every minute 🙂 Aaron always brightens up her day. And, mine, too 🙂

Yolanda Taylor

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