Morning Masala.

October 29, 2008

* Young girl at the train station reading a pamphlet listing all State and Local Propositions to vote for and whether to vote YES or NO on them. Leading the list – Proposition 8 – restores the definition of traditional marriage (only in their definition of the Prop it said: Unfair and Unjust) – Vote NO.

* Lady on the train making a large sign on fluorescent green poster board with the words: KQED : Urge Pelosi to debate Cindy Sheehan. Don’t waste free air time. (Apparently KQED, a TV station, just gave Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Congresswoman 60 mins of free Air Time to give her schpiel)

* Two women sitting behind me on the train were in deep conversation, punctuated by some foul language once or twice, expressing their lack of understanding why the Mormons were discrminating gay people (false). Vote Yes on Prop 8 to preserve the definition of traditional marriage that 61 % of Californians voted for and was overturned by 4 judges. One of them went on to say that her niece was getting married in the Mormon temple and she was informed of the protestors in front of the temple. She wondered how the heterosexual couples would feel if they were not allowed to be married; and then expressed her regret at missing a friends party, especially the Oktoberfest keg.

* Rode my bike to work from the train station – 1.5 miles in 10 mins!!! Cut my time down by 5 mins..getting better everyday and healthier!

Hope you have a fabulous day!

Yolanda Taylor

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