Happy Birthday, Matthew!

December 20, 2020

Our little baby boy turned TWO today! Matthew is a bundle of joy. He will never miss an opportunity to laugh, to smile, to giggle with his sisters, and, he also does a really good “fake laugh”.

Matthew is, easily, the family favorite. Every single one of us tries to get him to hug us, or give us a kiss, or play with us. He loves to learn and is a quick learner. He loves doing puzzles, and can do all of them on his won with no help. He likes to sing the Alphabet Song, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Old Mac Donald, I am a Child of God, Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes, Baby Shark, Clean Up Song, and so many more. He is quite verbal and demonstrative, so we rarely have to guess what he wants. He is strong-willed like his sisters and always knows what he wants.

He loves to play with his sisters. He asks for them the minute he wakes up, loves to give them hugs as much as he likes to push them over or wrestle with them, plays all kinds of games with them – his sisters compete to make him laugh. He has the best belly laugh ever and you can’t help but smile/laugh when he is around. His sisters are his fierce protectors. Well, Audrey has a love/hate relationship with him since they are so close in age (18 months apart). He is the demolition boy of the crew – the only one to tear up books, pull down almost all the Christmas ornaments, rip up paper to little pieces, put the ends of every power cord in his slobbery mouth, scoop out the toilet water and dump it all over the bathroom floor, and the list goes on. BUT. He is the first one to apologize, even when it was not his fault! His “sawee, Mom!” is just heart-melting, accompanied by a gentle touch on your arm. He always wants to comfort when someone is not feeling great. He gives hugs and high fives equally.

He is teething right now, so his appetite is off. But, typically, he LOVES food. He likes to eat pancakes, waffles, whipped cream, blueberries, strawberries, bananas, oranges, grapes, apples, peanut butter, LOVES fried rice!, squeezie pouches with baby oatmeal, dried cranberries, tortilla chips, crackers, etc. He used to be a more adventurous eater, so we are hoping this is just a phase, and keep giving him all the veggies and fruits.

His favorite shows are Cocomelon, Beat Bugs, Super Jo Jo, PJ Masks, The Magic School Bus, Daniel Tiger, and anything his sisters watch. He loves to be cuddled and kissed and tossed up in the air and wrestled with. He loves to read, and will often “read” to himself. He enjoys being read to by his sisters, as well.

Matthew is a joyful soul. We are grateful that he is a part of our family forever! He loves saying prayers when it is his turn, he likes to sing the Primary songs with all of us, and in general, he is just a blessing to all of us. We probably spoil him rotten by always responding to his every need but he makes it all worth it with just a smile, a hug, and a kiss! He is the luckiest of the three kids to be in Utah, surrounded by so much family to celebrate with! We love you, Matthew! Happy Birthday, my darling son!

Yolanda Taylor

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