Delicious Oatmeal – Breakfast of Champions

December 9, 2010

My husband is usually the one who makes breakfast, and he does an amazing job. In fact, I believe he makes the best smoothies ever! This morning, however, for a change, I decided that I would make him some breakfast. This was something I came up with by pure accident and there are several versions of this breakfast. But the reason I came upon this is because I really don’t like oatmeal. It always reminded me of the soggy oatmeal porridge my mother would make us eat when we were little kids. After having it so much (oatmeal, milk and raisins), I was sick of it.

So one day, I wanted to try it since it was  healthy but I needed to find a way to swallow it 😀 So I started adding all these yummy things to it, and now it is a family favorite!

2 cups of milk
1/2 cup quick oats
3 tbsp brown sugar (adjust the sugar according to your sweetness level)
1 handful white chocolate chips
1 handful almonds (you can use whole almonds or sliced almonds)
1 handful chopped walnuts
1 handful shredded coconut (the kind found in the baking aisle)
1 handful of dried cranberries
1 can of mandarin oranges
(These quantities are what I used this morning. You can adjust them to whatever you like and use more of something that you like more. This is YOUR breakfast!!)

Note: Other ingredients I have used in the past – fresh strawberries & cream, blueberries, raspberries, cinnamon sprinkled on top, etc. You can be really creative with this and you can’t go wrong.

1. Pour the milk in a medium-sized pot. Add the oatmeal and the brown sugar. Bring to a boil and turn the flame/heat to medium and cook for 3-4 minutes.
2. Once the oatmeal has integrated well with the milk and takes on a thicker consistency, turn off the stove and let it sit for a minute.
3. Divide the oatmeal equally into two good-sized bowls. Divide the rest of the ingredients in half and add the white chocolate chips, walnuts, almonds, coconut, cranberries and mandarin oranges to each bowl.
4. Pour some extra milk into the bowls now filled with the good stuff, so that the oatmeal is not too thick.
5. Eat and Enjoy! It is such a hearty breakfast!

Yolanda Taylor

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