Date Night – The Iron Lady

February 4, 2012
 “If you set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.” ~ Margaret Thatcher

Aaron surprised me tonight and took me to the movies. We are not generally the movie-going types, so this was a change in scenery for us. As we discussed what movie I would like to see, I realized that the three options I had chosen were all British-themed 🙂 I guess I can’t help myself. 

The choices were War Horse, Sherlock Holmes and The Iron Lady. As you can tell, The Iron Lady won—mostly because it was showing early enough for us to watch it and still make it to bed at a decent hour. It was fascinating to watch Meryl Streep bring her flair to the screen as the first female British Prime Minister. The movie itself jumped around a bit, and from the reviews, it appears that it was not very accurate either. It did, however, show her ambition and her drive to make a difference in the world. Her strict personal code of conduct and tireless work ethic always guided her to do the right thing irrespective of whether she was liked by her party or cabinet ministers. 

Most of all, I loved spending time with Aaron. We also managed to sneak into the other rooms to watch parts of the other movies we had wanted to see. We had a sneak peek of War Horse before our movie started, and we watched about 20 minutes of Sherlock Holmes after we were done with our movie.  
We had a great time together and I loved every minute of the wonderful surprise 🙂
Yolanda Taylor

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