Alexandria Waterfront Walk

May 2, 2011

On Saturday afternoon, Aaron and I had planned to go to the city and explore. But knowing that we had to be back at church for a conference, we decided not to risk it and just continue to explore Alexandria. It is amazing to me how much there is to see and do, how riddled with history and culture my surroundings are and I am never left with a boring day. So we drove into Old Town, parked on Queen St, and started strolling. As we walked around, we suddenly decided that we should walk along the waterfront, along some trails and enjoy the lovely weather.

As we walked over, there were people everywhere and some of them were happily slurping on their ice cream cones. Hmmm, now shouldn’t we be one of those people with the ice cream cones – of course, we should! So we armed ourselves with an ice cream each – I had Black Raspberry (Yum-O) and Aaron had something with chocolate and caramel and nuts, etc. We strolled down to the waterfront, happily slurping on our ice cream cones, observing all the people, peeping into the stores, and basically enjoying ourselves.

At the waterfront, we came upon the Harborside Ship Yard Park, found a lovely little bench on the edge of the water, where the sun was shining on it and warming it up. We finished our ice cream, pulled out our large map, and plotted our next couple of hours. Well, Aaron did while I took some pictures 🙂 We walked around for three hours, and covered a bit of ground that included the ShipYard Park, The Windmill Hill Park and Ford’s Landing. We also walked part of the Mt. Vernon Trail towards Jones Point, but it is all blocked off due to a restoration project. So we turned around, and stumbled upon the Wilkes Street Tunnel, and the pretty neighborhoods surrounding it.

Here are some photos of our Waterfront Walk:

Aaron reading his massive map on a park bench.

Our immediate view.

This little guy flitted about for too long that I could not resist taking his picture before he flew away. I love that he posed for me!

In someone’s open yard, taken during our stroll along the waterfront.

Meet Turtle & Myrtle – sunbathing.

Along comes Ducky Lucky, but this does not deter Turtle & Myrtle from their sunbathing. In fact, Turtle was trying to climb up on Myrtle’s back. Ducky Lucky, not too impressed with this public display of affection, turned his head and swam right past them. 

Gorgeous flowers on someone’s balcony overlooking the Potomac. Beautiful views and grand townhouses.

On the Mt. Vernon Trail. Beautiful sunlight streaming through the trees.

A heart-shaped leaf. How neat!

They give the term ‘falling asleep on my feet’ a whole new meaning. 

Wilkes Street Tunnel: It was inaugurated on May 7, 1851 and began its long run till 1975. Impressive! Google it to learn more about it 😀

Back in Old Town, we came across a gathering of bikers or all kinds. Colorful and crowded. Lovely!

I realized at the end of the photos, that it looked more like a nature walk. I guess it was partly that too 🙂 Each time I go out in our neighborhood, I am amazed at all things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small and I am grateful for the good Lord who made them all.

Take time to appreciate your surroundings. Go for a walk with your kids. enjoy nature. It is the single most uplifting thing that costs not a penny. It is an essential part of living a balanced life.

Yolanda Taylor

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  • Chels May 3, 2011 at 2:29 pm

    GORGEOUS pictures! Man, I really need to get out more often! 🙂

  • Chels May 3, 2011 at 2:29 pm

    GORGEOUS pictures! Man, I really need to get out more often! 🙂

  • Yolanda Taylor May 10, 2011 at 8:27 pm

    Thanks, Chels! Let me know when you want to go exploring and we can do it together 🙂 I love living here!

  • Yolanda Taylor May 10, 2011 at 8:27 pm

    Thanks, Chels! Let me know when you want to go exploring and we can do it together 🙂 I love living here!

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    Hi! Welcome to our blog! Family, friends, photography, food, fun, travels, books - there is a little bit of everything here. It is the place where I record things that I know I would love to read and remember, and hopefully, you get to share a part of our lives with us. It may not be perfect but this is us. And, you are welcome any time! Read More



