365 Project – Leaf in Snow

January 16, 2015

I didn’t intend for the title of this blog post to come out sounding like an abstract or a Native American name but really, what would you call it? My brain is fried today and that is all you are going to get. It snowed a week ago, and I stepped out into my backyard (which rarely happens in the winter) and came upon this guy just hanging out on my patio table, begging to be photographed. So, what the heck? I took a picture. The next day, the wind blew it away and most of the snow off the table. Glad I caught this. I love the expanse of white snow that contrasts with the color of the leaf.
Yolanda Taylor

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Hi! Welcome to our blog! Family, friends, photography, food, fun, travels, books - there is a little bit of everything here. It is the place where I record things that I know I would love to read and remember, and hopefully, you get to share a part of our lives with us. It may not be perfect but this is us. And, you are welcome any time! Read More



